Tech and Finance

How to Make Money with Google Ads Certification 2024

Written by Ruthie Inezia

How to Monetize Your Google Ads Certification in 2024

As Google continues its expansion, it provides more opportunities for individuals to earn money online. A key avenue for this is through Google Ads certification, an educational platform designed to teach the fundamentals of online advertising. If you’re seeking a free way to enhance your skills and generate income, Google Ads certification could be the answer.

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the essential steps to get started, explore the various Google Ads certifications available, and delve into ways to leverage your certification for financial gain.

Let’s dive in.

Table of Contents:
1. What is a Google Ads Certification?
2. How Google Ads Certification Works
3. Utilizing Your Certification
4. The Best Free Google Ads Certifications
– Google Ads Search
– Google Ads Display
– Google Ads Video
– Shopping Ads
– Google Ads Apps
– Google Ads Measurement
5. Final Thoughts on Monetizing Google Ads Certification
6. Conclusion
7. FAQs


What is a Google Ads Certification?
Google Ads certification is the professional accreditation offered by Google, showcasing proficiency in both basic and advanced Google Ads skills. The certification encompasses six categories: Google Ads Search, Display, Video, Shopping Ads, Apps, and Measurement. It serves as official recognition from Google for your expertise in online advertising.

To attain Google Ads certification, creating a Skillshop account is a prerequisite. Sign up for your Skillshop account here.


 How Google Ads Certification Works
After setting up your Skillshop account, you gain access to free certifications. Achieving certification in a specific Google Ads product requires passing the corresponding product area assessment available in Skillshop. The passing score is 80% or higher, and the tests are 75 minutes long. Certifications are valid for one year, necessitating renewal through re-assessment.


Utilizing Your Certification
Your Google Ads certification becomes a testament to your online advertising prowess. Share this achievement with current and potential clients by referencing statements provided by Google. For instance:
“I am recognized by Google as a certified online advertising professional, having successfully passed assessments administered by Skillshop. I am qualified to assist you in growing your business using Google Ads.”

Adhere to Google’s guidelines on communication and certification usage, limiting references to personal certification achievements.


The Best Free Google Ads Certifications
All certifications are accessible on Skillshop, Google’s online education platform. These free courses cover various advertising areas, including:

– Google Ads Search
– Google Ads Display
– Google Ads Video
– Shopping Ads
– Google Ads Apps
– Google Ads Measurement

Start learning and get certified in each advertising aspect here


Final Thoughts on Monetizing Google Ads Certification
Becoming a certified professional with Google can enhance your income, particularly if you’re interested in working from home. The specialized and valued skillset offers less competition in the digital marketing space. Whether working for clients or running your ads, Google’s free courses are an excellent resource to master the intricacies of Google Advertising.

Ready to get started?

  1. Create your FREE Skillshop account.
  2. Choose your desired certification: Search, Display, Video, Shopping, Apps, or Measurement.
  3. Complete the online course.
  4. Ace the 75-minute exam (80% passing score).
  5. Showcase your expertise to clients and employers.

If you’re ready to pursue your Google Ads certification, click here to get started today.

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The online advertising landscape is vast and lucrative, but success demands expertise. Google Ads certification equips you with the tools and knowledge to navigate this dynamic world, opening doors to exciting career opportunities and financial freedom.

By dedicating yourself to earning these valuable certifications, you’re not just acquiring skills; you’re making a strategic investment in your future. Whether you dream of managing campaigns for top brands, building your own freelance empire, or simply boosting your digital marketing prowess, Google Ads certification empowers you to make it happen.

The time to act is now. Sign up for Skillshop today, immerse yourself in the world of Google Ads, and unlock your earning potential. Remember, in this digital age, the most valuable currency is knowledge – and with Google Ads certification, you’ll hold the key to unlocking a world of possibilities.

Take the first step, embrace the learning journey, and watch your success take flight. The future of online advertising is yours to claim.

Don’t forget the call to action! Include a link to Skillshop or a relevant landing page to encourage readers to begin their Google Ads certification journey.

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In conclusion, Google Ads certification opens doors to lucrative opportunities in online marketing and now is the perfect time to embark on this certification journey. Start your path to expertise and financial success today!”


How much money can I make with a Google Ads certification?
Google Ads certifications are lucrative, allowing you to earn anywhere from $60 to $300 per hour as a freelance ads manager. Platforms like Fiverr and Upwork provide avenues to market your expertise to business owners.

Are Google Ads display certifications worth it?
Absolutely, especially if you plan on advertising with display ads. These certifications provide insights directly from Google, enabling you to target the right audience effectively. Understanding business metrics and optimizing campaigns for maximum profit positions you as a valuable asset in the digital marketing realm.

Can you make money with Google Adsense without a website?
Yes, through platforms like YouTube, which is owned by Google. As your YouTube channel gains subscribers and views, you can monetize through Google Adsense without the need for a traditional website.